Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wikileaks: Anna Ardin as The Accuser - The Devil is in the Tweet Tales

Ms. Anna Ardin  (Belardin)
As the media explosion on WikiLeaks focuses almost solely on the release and reaction to the diplomatic cables, a darker story moves along in quiet parallel- the story of love, betrayal, revenge, and possible entrapment.

The major news will not report this part of the story, not yet.  Until Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny throws down the gauntlet- an actual complaint with the names of the accusers- the major news networks will not focus on the lives of the two women who made the initial complaint.  However, that time may soon be upon us. Then everyone from TMZ to Nancy Grace will be chasing down Ana Ardin (who blogs under the pseudonym Belardin) and Sophia Wilen- the two jilted lovers who allegedly have conspired to take down Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks.

What little is known about Sophia Wilen, is based upon a published report of her short romantic involvement with Mr. Assange.  She has been described by some as a Julian rock star groupie.who became obsessed with Mr. Assange, pursued him at a seminar he gave at a Stockholm trade union, and bought him a bus ticket so he could join her in her home town of  Enkoping.   According to Libertarian Today Author Chris Moore, Mr. Assange and Ms. Wilen had consensual sex that evening at her home and then again the next morning..  He left the next day, as Ms Ardin was planning a crayfish party for him that evening.  The party is the subject of one tweet from Ms. Ardin that she later, somewhat unsuccessfully, deleted.

Julian Assange attends
seminar in Stockholm
Despite his promise, Mr. Assange did not call Ms. Wilen after their one night stand. A short time afterwards, Ms. Wilen phoned up Ms. Ardin and the two women began comparing notes.  Allegedly, Ms. Wilen was concerned about contracting AIDS.  Ms. Ardin may have shared her concern, but any person betrayed in such a manner would have been very angry at Julian Assange.  In order to have sex with both women, one can assume he also lied to both women.

Clearly, the seeds for revenge were planted when both women went to the Swedish authorities to ask if a man could be forced to be tested for STD's.  The resulting actions by Swedish authorities may have more to do with pressure from world governments, especially the U.S. Government, to keep Mr. Assange in prison while efforts are made to prepare formal spying charges against him and shut down access to WikiLeaks. While some bloggers on-line argue that Anna Ardin was working with the CIA in a bold attempt at character assassination, this looks more like the adventures of a Cad and his wandering penis and the revenge of his two betrayed lovers- the classic love triangle.
One Reason for Revenge (Source: Anna Ardin Blog)

Ms. Ardin presents herself on the internet as "Belardin" , with a blog and a twitter account. Assange supporters point to her twitter account as once containing critical evidence in a well-orchestrated smear campaign against the WikiLeaks founder.  The other, even more plausible explanation for her actions can be found in her blog- on the issue of revenge. Last January, Ms. Ardin highlighted a seven step method for gaining revenge on a unfaithful lover.  While the first step, forgiveness, is consistent with her Christian belief-system, the remaining steps are decidedly un-Christlike. Her seven steps of revenge are more in line with the Old Testament- eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. In modern times, a person might also manipulate the legal system to imprison, punish, and defame a person for their unfaithfulness and betrayal.

Anna's Current
Twitter Photo
 (Sharon Stone)

The focus on twitter is based upon two tweets Ms. Ardin made while Assange was staying at her apartment in the month of August.  The tweets appear to represent a person excited to be with a man of such stature within the activist community.  The tweets shown below were retrieved by fellow blogger Goran Rudling, of Consent Now.  After filing her complaint with the police, Ms. Ardin allegedly removed the two tweets that represented a more joyous event with Mr. Assange than unexpected sex.  Based upon her now-deleted tweets, sexual relations with Mr. Assange were expected and possibly encouraged. but those tweets disappeared.  Or did they?

Since her twitter feed was linked to appear simultaneously on her blog, the tweets were still available for viewing at her blog after deletion from her twitter account.  The concerns being raised by Assange supporters are that these tweets are potential evidence that Ms. Ardin manipulated for her benefit and to the benefit of the prosecution.

Saturday 14 August at 14 o'clock, she writes on / anna invert:


from August 19

Early on the morning of Sunday, August 15, she wrote again on Twitter:


from August 19

After being confronted by an on-line Assange supporter about her removal of the tweets, Belardin’s blog became unavailable for an undetermined period of time.  When it was placed back on-line, the tweets were also removed from her blog.  This suggests a second attempt to remove potential evidence that would place doubts upon Ms. Ardin's testimony (if she ever returns to testify).  
Perhaps this is evidence in itself that will play hard against her own credibility and influence Swedish Prosecutor  Marianne Ny to decide against  prosecuting Mr. Assange.  If you ride on a roller coaster and  are disappointed by the experience, you don't go on the ride again and you tell your friends, "That ride is a rip-off, don't waste your time."  You don't burn down the entire amusement park. 
Belardin the Ardin
 Ms. Wilen's whereabouts are currently unknown.  Ms. Ardin apparently is in Palestine, working with the Christian Socialists of Sweden, Brotherhood Movement, on bringing together people of differing religious faiths into dialog together.   More than likely, Ms. Ardin believes the Palestinian territories are the best place to hide from the incoming hordes of reporters and paparazzi that are poised to descend upon her.  We doubt she will be successful and look forward to her expose' on Anderson Cooper  within the next few months.  
Anna Ardin most recently posted on twitter (December 8th), 
CIA agent, rabid feminist / Muslim lover, a Christian fundamentalist, flat & fatally in love with a man, how can one be all of these at the same time?
 Relax Anna, we will learn how you can be all these things and Sharon Stone! All will come to you in the days ahead.  Enjoy your time in the Middle East.  See you again on the evening news.


notepad said...

Well written article. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"...In order to have sex with both women, one can assume he also lied to both women."

I don't assume that. From the accounts I've read, both women went to bed with him almost immediately. I doubt he had to promise them anything; he probably saw them as casual sexual partners who saw him the same way. I suspect the women were smitten with his movement stature and allowed themselves similar romantic fantasies.

The Mutant Mouse Chronicles said...

I think if I were a guest in Miss A's house and we were engaging in sex and then I spent a night having sex in another woman's apartment, I might be inclined to tell a white lie or two, especially if I want to remain a guest in Miss A's house for even five more minutes! It is also possible that he told no lie at all- as anonymous has suggested.