The facts are simple. My brother Russ and I traveled to Netherlands and Germany. My main purpose was to witness my good friends in the rock band Shadow Gallery begin their first (and long overdue) European tour. After that, Russ and I vacationed in Amsterdam. Our last night was spent in Germany before flying back home. The second day after our arrival, the United States Government issued a travel warning for U.S. citizens in Europe. We were advised to remain alert and be aware of our surroundings. We followed that advice.
The Irish Cabbie
We were staying at a very nice hotel on the edge of a town in Western Holland, near the German border. After dinner at the hotel, we called for a cab to take us to the town center. When our taxi arrived, it was driven by a Irish national named Donny (name & nationality changed). He was a lively lad who didn't hesitate to take us on a tour of the town. Our ride culminated in a visit to a coffeehouse, where marijuana is legally sold and smoked.
Weird Moment at McDonalds

Victor the Retired Portuguese cop
We met Victor sitting outside a coffeehouse next to a delicious Argentina Steakhouse where we had dinner. Victor had been smoking marijuana at one of the outside tables. I sat down with an espresso and the three of us talked for over and hour. The conversation rambled through Dutch and American politics, ending with Victor's feelings over life in the Netherlands. His was a cautionary tale, with a statement of Dutch female unity that was amazing, if true.
" I am a retired policeman, formerly in the military...for the past ten years I have worked the streets of Amsterdam....the Muslims know everything, they have infiltrated the police and the government at every level. The Dutch women refuse to fuck them. You will never see a Dutch woman with a Muslim man in Holland. The women, they are not interested in a family if it means they must give back their own freedom. The women want the Muslim men to leave Amsterdam and so they have made a pact. Do not fuck the Muslims. The Muslims will leave and never come back. It is very bad here."
Hans, the Night Manager, Amsterdam Hotel
Train Ride to Germany
We reach Arwen and Pieter says, "There is a famous bridge at Arwen from the war. Perhaps you heard of it? I think the Americans made a movie about it." We nod in the affirmative and then there is a moment of silence. We realize that, in our father's time, we were enemies. Now we are riding in a train together, talking about those times. After a few more comments about the war, the conversation drifts to sales, equipment, and travelling. Pieter tells us his German company is actually a subsidiary of an American firm located in the Carolinas. Pieter has been to the corporate headquarters a few times. We apologize for the South and encourage Pieter to visit the North and then we all laugh. The Arwen bridge passes underneath in silence, the train floating on air.
"Dinner in Düsseldorf, Germany
After arriving at our austere hotel near the airport, we took a taxi to the old town, Altstadt, in the city center. There were several outside cafe's on numerous streets, similar to Amsterdam in architecture, but missing the lovely canals and lovelier bicycle riders. The large, visible police presence in Amsterdam was absent here. Russ observed one policeman, talking loudly to a patron at one of the cafe's.
As we were finishing our meal, a florist delivery van drove onto the walkway, then stopped directly opposite our table. I looked over and locked eyes with a young Arab man. Without taking his eyes off of me, he put the van in reverse, slowly backed up, then placed the van in drive and pulled forward, facing the bookstore. The young man jumped out of the van, gave us one more long look, then strolled down the walkway, cellphone in hand. Check, please.
It's that easy. Every evening, the florist van pulls in and parks at the bookstore. Its movement becomes part of a larger city rhythm. Police pay little attention, the van is like any other service vehicle- the driver just another worker doing his job. Then one day, the van pulls in and parks, the driver exits the explosive-laden vehicle and walks away- cell phone in hand. Once he is at a safe distance, he detonates the van and 300 people die. It is way too easy and it may always be that easy in free societies. I hope that van keeps bringing flowers.
Düsseldorf Airport Security
Russ forgets to trash his lighter. He tries handing it to the security official. "No. no", says the German equivalent of our Homeland Security, waving his hand, "you can keep that." We move forward, ready to remove our belt and shoes. No one is removing theirs so we change our mind and walk through- our shoes intact, lighter in hand. No wonder Germany is a target.
Final Observation
I think about a conversation Russ and I had with a college student/waitress at our first hotel. "Well, you are a young country, "she said with an air of authority, "you still have much to learn about the rest of the world." Indeed we do, young lady, indeed we do.
Authors Note: Names have been changed to protect those individuals who spoke candidly with us. Our thanks to each one, this story is also their story..
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