Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Reality Defeats Wanderlust in Final Round

Would You Buy a Dead Cactus?

 Wanderlust started strong, with several right jabs and a good uppercut. Reality was stunned, bloodied, and ineffective with its counter punches.  But Reality prefers the fifteen round fight and has an unbeaten record.  But we fought on, scoring punches with trips to Maine from Pennsylvania, and then actually moving there - nearly a 7th round knock out - and then exploring all the natural sights that Maine has to offer.  We mapped our trips on a large map of Maine that was tacked to our door,  and we even started a website "We Explore Maine" but reality had a great counter punch to that - Covid-19.  Who was going to explore Maine under those conditions?  

Reality, sensing victory,  added more hard blows to the body and then to the head. Our dear Uncle Jim died after a short bout with cancer.  My father passed away. Our niece lost her baby in child birth.  My Great Nephew was murdered in cold blood on a sunny Sunday in the parking lot of a Target Superstore.   My wife's brother died suddenly due to alcohol poisoning, an addiction he couldn't beat.   Then our dog Sonnet became seriously ill and had to be put down.

Wanderlust tried vainly with some clever moves, floating like a monarch butterfly, stinging like a small bee with weekend trips to the coast.  Wanderlust was getting beat, and a knockout was likely.   Dinner at Masons Brewery on the Penobscot River- nothing more than a glancing jab.

Finally,  Maine got in the corner with reality and after a flurry of punches that hit hard, we saw the victory ahead for reality and Wanderlust threw in the towel.  We packed up, retired from boxing, and moved to California to be closer to family.

Wanderlust lost the fight because it needed to lose the fight, and to lose every fight. Reality wins because for all its harshness, it also brings clarity, responsibility, and love into union.  Our health improves, and our view of the world improves as well, because it is based upon the undefeated, the reality of our own lives.

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