Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rafting the Skykomish River - 1st Attempt

I was excited and ready to raft the stretch of rapids in front of our vacation rental. Our neighbor calls it Cabin Run and nothing sounds dangerous about a cabin running so I began to make preparations.  I stopped by the local mini-mart that had rafts hanging from the roof.  Thirty-two dollars later, I owned my own raft.

When I took it out of the box, I realized I would need a pump to inflate it.  We drove to a neighboring town and found a Fred Meyers Store. Another thirteen dollars spent and finally- I was raring to go.

After pumping up the raft, I walked to the river and began rock-jumping my way upstream.  I would like to point out that rock-jumping while holding a large raft is extremely difficult.   I nearly broke my neck.

So now you are wondering where Waterbunny was all this time?  Was she standing on the deck, cheering me on?  No. She was taking a nap. Smart girl.    You'll see why.

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