Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Truth About TIK TOK and Our Personal Information - Do You Have Secrets to Tell?

 It is the Wednesday before the Sunday when TikTok will flip a switch and turn off access for 170,000,000 users in the United States. TikTok will do this to comply with Federal law, passed by a bi-partisan congress and signed into law by President Biden.  Unless the ban is extended or the law overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court before Sunday, the most popular social media app in the United States, relied upon by millions for their livelihood, will go dark.

The official government reason is because the owner of the parent company is Chinese and there is the potential for spying, for blackmail, and for the gathering of sensitive information on American citizens that could be used for nefarious purposes in a time of war.   We are currently not at war with China, in case you were wondering about that.  Maybe soon, you should worry, says our Federal Government.   

We are an open society, a capitalistic-styled Democracy, where all but our most valuable state secrets are readily available for a price on the dark web, where the receipt of a security breach notice of personal information from a bank or business has landed in the mailbox of every U.S. Citizen, and where the Freedom of Information Act, and Right to Know Laws guaranteeing public access to government documents, is meant to shine a bright light into government's dark, corrupt practices, is a fundamental right of our citizens. We are not concerned with those trivialities. Our freedom is threatened by the most wildly successful social media application since Windows jumped onto a DOS computer and swallowed it whole. 

A free society means when you start browsing on the internet, cookies follow you and record your adventure, gathering the information you provide with your clicks and roll-overs to be sold to advertisers, so they can target you with their products the moment they receive that information.  Facebook and Google do this on a massive scale to every citizen who is online using those corporate social media apps and browsers. Facebook and Google do it on your phone, on your laptop, on your desktop, even on your smart TV.  Now with the help of AI, the gathering of your information will accelerate with new tracking methods that gather our information at ridiculous speeds.   

Meanwhile, it most be comforting to know our government is worried about protecting our citizens, and ultimately our the nation itself  from a single social media application. It must be a coincidence that TikTok built an Algorithm that kicks the ass of every single company in Silicon Valley and beyond. It is simply a coincidence that TikTok has provided a method for American citizens to make money, serious money in some cases.  Damn those Chinese, they are so fucking clever. 

TikTok is not the usual American Corporate sucking machine that takes your money to increase their profit margins, and make their wealthy shareholders even happier. TikTok is not like those U.S. based companies that hire expensive lobbyists, who write proposed laws like the Digital Media Copyright Act, then hand their legally corporate-empowering proposals over to our government leaders, along with a campaign check from their Industry PAC, and a suggestion that their self-benefitting proposed legislation be passed into law.

I think I would be fairly accurate if I wrote that 99.5 percent of American citizens, (my best guess based upon a hunch) are not in possession of  the security clearance needed to access our Government's most sensitive classified secrets, you know- like those documents found in the guest bathroom at Trump's Mara Lago resort, China made a major error committing so many millions to a social media platform, potentially gathering information on 170,000,00 Americans, when all China needed to do was book a weekend at Trump's resort and claim digestive issues is the reason China spent so much time in the guest bathroom.

And if China really wants my personal information, all they have to do is create a U.S. based Subsidiary Corporation who would then buy that information from several American Companies that sell our every movement online to anyone who can afford it. China can afford it. Maybe they are already doing this.  Shall we ask Google and Facebook for a list of their clients?

I live-streamed on TikTok for the past month and my earnings stand at around 90 dollars.  In the past two years, I haven't made 50 cents on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, iHeart, Naspster, and Youtube combined. Same music but on these American sites I have to pay to get full access to their algorithms- no pay, no traffic.

Unofficially, we know that Windows for years and most likely this hasn't changed, has a programming  core that is protected proprietary software. Imagine if our government leaders passed a law that required Windows to divest of that proprietary software, sell it off to their competitors now or shut Windows down. 

I'm sure TikTok competitors would be thrilled to have TikTok's algorithm  for their own businesses. They would just have to tweak the coding  so we no longer get paid,  Or we will get paid  $.002 cents per stream per verified customer , then force us to pay out of our pockets for the privilege of using their algorithmic software, with a return of 12 cents per year for our 170.00 yearly subscription cost and the $300.00-$3,000 we paid in promotional fees. 

Maybe once we pay enough money, using our charge card with 27% interest issued to us from a U.S. Corporate Bank, YouTube will unlock the gates to their other customer portals who are doing the same thing so their content makes it across our browser.  This is American Corporate ingenuity at its finest.  Use our elected government officials to destroy a superior competitor, based upon fear-mongering and hypocritical standards that unlevel the playing field in favor of the inferior and greedy, self-serving internet executives, who bankroll millions upon millions of dollars each  year in salary and stock options thanks to our generosity.

And what about the 170,000,000 Americans who are ripped off, betrayed, and driven under the economy?  Those personal losses will have an undetermined, yet potentially massive impact on the U.S. economy.  Well fuck those losers if Corporate America can make another .5% profit on their billions of income over expenses. Beside, Trump will get those prices down once he is President. Believe that and I've got some fine land in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey I would like to sell to you.

The unofficial reason for the TikTok ban may be clear.  Americans were speaking out against corruption, against abuse, against racism and hatred.  We can't have that.   There aren't many newspapers left to investigate our government officials for corruption. 

Then there is Donald Trump. He filed an amicus brief before the Supreme Court requesting a delay in the ban while he works out an arrangement for a sale.  I am betting he ends up owning TikTok,  making another cool 12 billion for his efforts as our President while saving the app for us to use. He should be rewarded with a medal, right?

There isn't anything that scares a corrupt or ethically compromised public official more than having his dirty laundry flown in front of the entire country. But our education system , and this is an argument for dismantling the Department of Education,  couldn't teach rural- raised American children how to  ask questions, to make evaluations,  to research, to even  balance their own check book.   As long as they could spell their own name, they can graduate.  If not, then Summer School will fix that. No wonder the folks in our rural communities vote overwhelmingly for Trump.  There is no clarity in a gas-lit world. 

Still, we have 170 million TikTok users and that could become the most powerful lobby group of all time.  Except that we are sheep.  Taught to be sheep by an educational system more concerned about what books we shouldn't read than how government functions, how some decisions carry an inherit unfairness in order to achieve a small, singular result for the silver-spooned few. The sheep will follow where you lead us, Mr. Trump..  As we almost always do any more.  Baaa  Baaa, Trump won't Baaan Tik Tok if he is given the chance.

If you are expecting Trump's Supreme Court to fix this mess, you been too busy munching in the meadow and haven't paid attention to this Court's previous decisions. It's not about you, dear citizen.  It hasn't been about you since long before they took away a woman's right to decide what is best for her own body and her health.  The Supreme Court is not the citizen savior, they are the corporate executioner.    

So say your goodbyes  now my fellow users. Because at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, TikTok will be a fond memory of how our society could have grown and how it should have grown. Instead we get to gauge how much we have shrunken as a free society, no longer for the people or by the people, not when we are under corporate rule by the wealthy one percent, and a majority of our citizens choose a convicted felon over an experienced prosecutor and public servant to lead our nation.  

Goodbye Tik Tok.  Thanks for the memories.
