Friday, July 9, 2021

Time to Write New Stories

I have decided to place music on the back burner. Let it simmer.  Stir occasionally.  Add a few seasonings from time to time.   While I am passionate about creating new songs, there comes a point where it feels rather absurd, self-centric, and maybe childish too.  It can be very cathartic and relaxing. There is fun in the creation, but there is also so much work to perfect it and that takes time.   I don't have an endless supply of time.  

Stories from Diffle County, The Adventures of Nikolast, and The Ice Bridge will be my focus for the next year.  The click click click of the keyboard will be my music.  There will be no political commentary of any kind, at least not in a real world setting- I can't guarantee that my stories won't reflect the changing political playground we call a Democracy.

I also am aware that some people believe that all the birds on the planet have been replaced by bird-like drones and they are watching us.  That explains why my bird feeder isn't that popular.  Drones don't need to eat. 

Also, would someone tell the U.S. Bird Drone Replacement Agency to move the mockingbird away from my bedroom window.  He/she is talented and also very obnoxious at 4:30 a.m., so please re-station him/her to another street, closer to the guy in my neighborhood who hates squirrels. 

Have squirrels been replaced by drones as well?

A quick shout out to my 4 loyal followers.   Wow.  Are you also drones?   


Our Honored Fallen - The Fabric that Unites Us as Americans

Source: Tim1965 via Wikimedia Commons  On the TikTok Social Media App, that dastardly Chinese-owned and widely popular U.S. vehicle for indi...